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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

First step to IUI

Well today I did it. I overcame some type of fear I had. I've been trying to hold off on alternative routes to becoming pregnant, but I just don't want to hold off anymore. I've been using the excuse "$75 dr appt just to TALK to my dr is absurd"... but then I did some research, called my insurance company, and found out my "office visits" are just that, office visits. I should only be charged a $5 copay, and not 50% of the visit. (My insurance only covers 50% of infertility treatments & procedures). So with not having that as my excuse anymore, I decided it was time to give him a call. I chickened out yesterday, but decided to do it today. I called his office and made an appt.

August 31 @ 3:50 PM.

I am hoping DH will come with me so he can ask any questions he may have about IUI (i.e. he asked "how do they wash the sperm?" and I said "Gotta ask the dr that!"). Plus I think having DH there will be a great support, and make me feel like I'm not alone in this process.


Kelsey Canada said...

Aug 31st... I'll be thinking about you all day that day and continue praying for you guys every night. =/

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