Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

Monday, December 14, 2009

Looking for cute ideas...

I know, I know.. I am due for an update!

Today I am 8-9 DPO. According to FF ( I O'd on Dec 6th... making me 8 DPO.. I kinda think I O'd on Dec 5th.. making me 9 DPO. Either way it's too early to test and get that BFP... but if there's one thing I've learned about ME+TTC is that the 2ww... aka: 14 days of WAITING... is completely IMPOSSIBLE!! So instead of stocking up on expensive tests just to pee on them when I KNOW there isn't
gonna be two pretty pink lines, I stocked up on cheap $ store ones =) Today I took one with FMU... I'm sure if I asked anyone else if they see a second line, they'd say no, but I swear I do! LOL. It could very well be an evap line, therefore I can't officially say I got my BFP... but I have a lot of hope right now!! It's funny how I can stare so hard at a stark white test and swear I see a line! I am hoping in the next few days that line I SWEAR I see... starts to get darker and darker.

So I've been meaning to post this... I'd like some little clever ideas. IF I get my BFP in the next week, or at least before Christmas (which I should know before Christmas) how should I tell DH? I want cute and clever ideas... so create a FREE account, and post a comment on here giving me your idea. (you might actually be able to leave a comment even if you don't have an account, I'm not sure)... anyhow... I know I have at least 5 friends reading this blog... so give me your ideas!! =)

TTC #2


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