TTC is an emotionally draining process. If you haven't walked in these shoes, you wouldn't understand. I never did. I never thought about how a person must feel each time they weren't successful. I didn't think of how a person hurt each time they watched someone else announce their pregnancy, photograph their baby belly, or deliver a beautiful little baby. I honestly didn't put any thought into it. But now I am walking in those shoes, living that life. And I think about those things all the time. Except this time, I'm the one feeling the pain, feeling the hurt, and living that life. I don't expect most of my friends to understand.. because most of my friends haven't gone through this. And that's okay. I don't hate any of my friends because they conceived quickly. I don't hate my friends because they don't understand. But I do hate when my friends judge.
If you think I am being to emotional over this process.. please keep it to yourself. You obviously haven't walked in these shoes. If you think I need to just relax, just remember some things are easier said then done. If someone dangled $1,000,000 in front of you and said "just relax-- I'll give it to you eventually" would you be able to "just relax"? And most importantly.. if you think my blog posts are too graphic, or I should refrain from saying certain things, please stop reading my blog.
This blog is NOT here for YOUR entertainment. I've created this blog for ME. So I can look back and see my struggles. So I can appreciate how hard I struggled to achieve pregnancy. So I can look back and remember everything I went through. I created this blog for ME. I am giving YOU the privilege of reading it. The things I say on here are not for you to go around sharing with people. Please don't share the link with other people. Please don't discuss my life with someone other then me. I opened up to a few select people, I don't want anyone else to know. And to be honest, there are days I wish I didn't open up to anyone.
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