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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hysterosalpingogram's *estimated* results..

I got to Providence Holy Cross Hospital just after 1 pm. I checked in and sat with my DH in the waiting room, a bit nervous, a bit anxious, but overall just ready to know the results. Once the nurse called me into the room all my nervousness and anxiousness flew out the window. She explained the whole procedure to me, had me sign a few papers, and then informed DH he wasn't allowed in the room while they did the procedure! Both DH and I were upset, but I think DH was more upset. He left the room and I got dressed in the hospital gown and laid on the x-ray table. The nurse talked to me a bit more and then gave me the news... I won't get the results today!

I was a bit irritated that I had to wait even longer to know the results.. but after learning it's not that they want to torture me and make me have to wait to know.. it's because they take x-rays during the procedure- after they are done they upload the images to the computer and look at a 5x7 of the image. They can kind of tell what is wrong.. but they have to study the picture more to get a better idea of the results. Later in the day (after I have left the hospital) they blow the images up to a 10x13 (or bigger) and get a good look. They then write out their results and send it to my doctor. Sooo... that is why the doctor didn't/doesn't give results on the spot.

Anyways.. back to the x-ray table. I laid there, awaiting the doctor to come in, disappointed I wouldn't know the results. The doctor came in, an older guy who gave off a cold first impression. He had me get in the position like a pap smear, except they didn't have the stir-ups. He rubbed betadine antiseptic to make sure nothing gets infected because of the HSG. He then inserted a catheter that had a balloon in it.. the first catheter wouldn't work (not exactly sure what the problem was- I'm guessing it's because of my tilter uterus) so they inserted a different kind. I had told the nurse my uterus is tilted so she got out the second type of catheter just in case, and in the end that's the kind they needed. That one went in with no problem. After they got the catheter all settled in, they started to insert the dye. I tried to watch the TV screen and hope maybe I could see what was going on. That didn't happen. I did see the dye go through one side of my tube though. After turning from side to side, holding my breath while they took some x-rays, and feeling an intense pressure in my uterus area, I was finally done! I laid on the table while my nurse and doctor uploaded the pictures and kind of discussed things. Again, I didn't hear a lot of what they said. I did hear the nurse tell the doctor I was anxious to know the results. And I heard them say "leak".

The doctor left the room and I went into the bathroom and cleaned up. When I came back out my nurse was the only one left in the room so she handed me some papers and said my doctor's office should have the results in a few days. I asked her if she saw anything or could tell me anything and she kinda got a sad, uncomfortable look on her face (like when the doctors come out of the operating room to tell you your loved one died. Yup... that look!) She said from what she can tell it appears only one of my tubes is clear.


All you need is one working tube. And she tried to reassure me that's all you need to get pregnant. But when you look at the big picture. The statistical picture. With two working tubes you have a 25% chance of conceiving each month. 1 out of 4 chance. With only one working tube I have a 1 out of 8 chance. In other words, every other month I have a chance at conceiving. A small chance. Women ovulate once a month, each month they ovulate out of one tube. If my left tube is blocked and my right tube is clear, my only chance of conceiving is when I ovulate from my right tube-- every other month.

I know I keep repeating the same thing over and over. I am just trying to wrap my head around it.

Now I really feel like I am NEVER going to get pregnant! :'(

I am going to call my OBGYN's office tomorrow and ask them to call the hospital and get the results. If they don't, then I will have to wait until Monday or Tuesday to get the official results. Monday/Tuesday feels like FOREVER away!!

So there you have it. There is my *estimated* results!


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