Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Goodbye Cycle 7... Hello Cycle 8

Today marks the first day of Cycle 8. I can't believe we are going on 9 MONTHS of trying and no success! When we first started trying I didn't think I'd become pregnant right away, but I also didn't expect it to take this long! I am still trying to remain positive.. but sometimes it's hard to look at my charts and KNOW that we BD around the right time... and our chances of conceiving should have been high. Of course I am even more convinced *something* is wrong with me. And I think as the months go on... my doctor is too.

Last cycle I had my
tested.. my results ALL came back normal.

Next Step:
Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) test.

I called and made the appointment for that today. Next Thursday, April 15 @ 1:30 I got to the hospital to have the HSG test done. This test checks the fallopian tubes for any blockage. They insert dye into my cervix and it travels into my fallopian tubes.. if my tubes are NOT blocked.. the dye travels perfectly through my tubes and spills over into my ovaries. If my tubes ARE blocked.. either A) the dyes force helps "unclog" my tube(s) or B) my tube is blocked and if it's repairable then surgery is an option. Part of me thinks my tube(s) is/are blocked.. the other part thinks I am just broken and the test is gonna show my tubes are fine. Of course I will update with my results.

I also need to go in on CD22 and have my progesterone checked. It slipped my mind last cycle and I forgot.

IF my HSG test goes smoothly and they find both my tubes are clear and perfect... the following step is a SA.

Semen Analysis. Luckily my wonderful DH has agreed to do the test. Although I am hoping we don't have to go that far!!

Welcome Cycle 8.. please bring us a BFP & a January baby =)


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